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NIS2 Regulations introduced by the European Union require that Member States implement policies that favour active cyber protection in their national cybersecurity strategies as part of a wider defensive strategy. Active cyber protection means taking proactive steps to prevent, detect, monitor, analyse, and mitigate network security incidents, rather than responding to threats. 

The new regulation, which is an application regulation of EU Directive 2022/2555, establishes the technical and methodological requirements for cybersecurity risk management measures and further defines the situations in which an incident should be considered significant for different kinds of entities, such as DNS service providers, TLD name registries, cloud computing service providers, data centre service providers, content delivery network providers, managed service providers, managed security service providers, providers of online marketplaces, online search engines, social networking services platforms, and trust service providers. 

This regulation will come into force on 18th October 2024 and aims to ensure a high and consistent level of cybersecurity across the European Union. It provides criteria for determining the significance of an incident, such as financial loss, reputational harm, exfiltration of trade secrets, damage to individuals, unauthorized access to systems, and other factors. The regulation also includes specific criteria for each type of entity mentioned above. It stresses the importance of risk management, asset management, physical and environmental security, incident response, and other cybersecurity measures. 

To address these regulatory requirements and improve your cybersecurity position, we encourage you to come forward and talk to us about your specific needs. Our specialised engineers at Computime, equipped with advanced partner cybersecurity solutions, are prepared to strengthen your operations against emerging threats. By working with us, you can ensure compliance, protect your assets, and preserve your reputation in an increasingly complex digital environment. 

With the upcoming NIS2 regulations, having a strong cybersecurity infrastructure in place is not just recommended but necessary for compliance. Do not wait until an incident happens—proactively secure your network with Computime’s expert advice and comprehensive cybersecurity strategies.